330 Laurier Blvd.
K6V 7L9
+1 613 345 1991
25 Railway St.
K7K 2L7
+1 613 546 6663
Lifting is a leading cause of back injuries and lost time in the workplace. This training program is designed for those workers who are required to do Manual Lifting as part of their daily workplace tasks. The course covers – the OHSA, types of injuries (MSDs/RSIs), how to prevent such injuries as well as proper lifting procedures, practices and equipment that workers can use to avoid manual lifting.
• Legislation – the OHSA – General Duty Clause
• Duties of the Employer
• Ergonomics and MSDs
• Anatomy of a back
• Back Injuries – causes
• Forces involved
• Contributing factors
• Preventing injuries
• Proper lifting procedures