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A hazard is defined as “a source or exposure to danger” that can lead to injuries, illnesses or damage to property. Hazard awareness is a repetitive learning behavior. The well-being of yourself and others depends on the awareness of potential and existing hazards. Through training we learn to identify and to be more aware of hazards. The goal of this training is to give you the tools to help identify hazards in the workplace. We look at the distinct types of hazards that exist in the workplace and understand what types of controls can be put in place. By identifying hazards and putting controls in place we can reduce or eliminate the possibility of someone getting seriously hurt or killed in the workplace.

• Whatis a Hazard

•Hazard vs Risk

•Hazard Categories

•Hazard Classes

•Hierarchy of Controls

• TheDifferent Types of Hazards found in the workplace

• TheR.A.C.E Model – recognize, assess, control and evaluate

•PEMEP – People, Equipment, Materials, Environment, Process

•Hazard Controls – At the Source, Along the Path and At the Worker

•Workplace Hazards

•Preventing Injures

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One year (in-house)
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