Everything you need to know about

Eye Protection

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Organizations and employers are obligated to protect workers from exposure to a hazardous biological or chemical agents in the air when other hazard control methods are not practical or possible to put in place.

They should only be used:  

  • when following the -hierarchy of control- is not possible (e.g. elimination, substitution, engineering or administrative controls)
  • while engineering controls are being installed or repaired
  • when emergencies or other temporary situations arise (e.g. maintenance operations)

Respiratory hazards may be present as:

  • Gases
  • Vapours            
  • Fumes
  • Mists
  • Dusts
  • Bioaerosols (e.g. moulds) 

Inhalation hazards can be divided into the following classes based on the type of effects they cause.

Materials that irritate the nose, eyes, lungs or throat. Some of these materials include solvent vapours, fibre glass dust, ozone and hydrogen chloridegas. Pulmonary edema, a pneumonia-like condition, can present after several hours from being exposed to materials like cadmium fume produced by welding oroxyacetylene cutting of metals coated with cadmium.

Substances that do not allow proper oxygenation to the body andcan be divided into simple asphyxiants (displaced oxygen by gases or vapours),or chemical asphyxiants (elements that interfere with the body’s ability totransport oxygen).3. Centralnervous system depressants. Cause symptoms such as headache, drowsiness,nausea, and fatigue. Most solvents are central nervous system depressants.

Fibrotic materials
Asbestos and Silica can cause fibrosis or scarring of lung tissue inthe air sacs.

Asbestos, Silica and Hexavalent Chromium can promote or cause cancerin specific body organs.

Excessive exposure to these substances can be adverse in itself or canaggravate existing conditions such as emphysema, asthma, or bronchitis.

Biological hazards
Can cause asthma, throat, nose and eye irritation or pneumonitis.

Respiratory sensitizers
Asthma can be caused by chemicals such as isocyanatesin spray foam insulation or certain wood dusts.

Respirators can be divided into two distinct classes:

Air-Purifying Respirators (APR's)
These respirators filter and remove contaminants from the air you breathe. Other types of APR's adsorb vapours or gases through an adsorbing material, purifying the inhaled air. There are three basic types used with air-purifying respirators:

  • Particulate filters
  • Gas/vapour cartridge filters
  • Combination particulate/gas/vapour cartridge filters
  • Powered air-purifying respirators (PAPRs) 

StylesIn addition to the type of respirator and mode of operation, thestyle of facepiece is used to classify respirators.·        
Mouth bit respirator: Fits in the mouth and comeswith a nose clip to hold nostrils closed Quarter-mask: Covers nose and mouth
·        Half-face mask: Covers face from the nose to belowthe chin
·        Full facepiece: Covers the face from above the eyesto below the chin)

It is important to consider that this class of respirators has limitations andshould not be used if there is less than 19.5% of oxygen or if the concentrationof contaminants is too high. Please refer to one of our experts to assess yourworkplace and suggest the best solution.

StylesIn addition to the type of respirator and mode of operation, thestyle of facepiece is used to classify respirators.·        
Mouth bit respirator: Fits in the mouth and comeswith a nose clip to hold nostrils closed Quarter-mask: Covers nose and mouth
·        Half-face mask: Covers face from the nose to belowthe chin
·        Full facepiece: Covers the face from above the eyesto below the chin)

It is important to consider that this class of respirators has limitations andshould not be used if there is less than 19.5% of oxygen or if the concentrationof contaminants is too high. Please refer to one of our experts to assess yourworkplace and suggest the best solution.

Class 2 Goggles

Safety goggles are devices contoured for full facial contact and are held in place by a headband or another suitable means and therefore offer greater eye protection than safety glasses.

They are impact resistant and must meet the minimum requirements of CSA Standard Z94.3.1-09. Like safety glasses, they are available in a variety of tints and shades.

Safety goggles may have direct or indirect ventilation to protect against fogging. Goggles with direct ventilation allow heat and humidity to dissipate, but do not protect against splash hazards. Goggles with indirect ventilation are designed to protect against dust and splash hazards.

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We can help in different levels such as:

  • Eye Protection Audits
  • Hazard Assessment 
  • Glasses Consolidation 
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